With the exception of "Editorial use only" photos (which can only be used in editorial projects and can't be modified), the possibilities are limitless.
How can you use royalty-free images and video clips? From social media ads to billboards, PowerPoint presentations to feature films, you're free to modify, resize and customize every asset on iStock to fit your projects. The character used as a greek question mark on my Greek keyboard is a semicolon but a greek question mark exists in. Literally translated, this means who you has bewitched in English. Galatians 3:1 says, in Greek, tis hymas ebaskanen. For example, a question in English is brought to an end by a question mark.

Recently I decided to install Libreoffice (6.3.4) as Office 2010 is. The rules of grammar and syntax dictate, in most cases, what punctuation mark should be used.
Join GitHub today GitHub is home to over 36 million developers working together to host and review code, manage projects, and build software together. There is a difference in the symbolism of some of them (semicolon, question mark and the quotation marks). Hello, I used to write my text (in greek) since 2014 using Office 2010 in this file. The greek question mark throws a Synta圎rror: Unexpected token ILLEGAL in JavaScript, and probably throws errors in other languages as well. What kinds of royalty-free files are available on iStock? Royalty-free licenses are the best option for anyone who needs to use stock images commercially, which is why every file on iStock - whether it’s a photo, illustration or video clip - is only available royalty-free. ( « ») (quotation marks) ( -) (dash) The meanings of the punctuation marks are the same as they are in the English language. It’s a win-win, and it’s why everything on iStock is only available royalty-free. The question mark ( ( ), also known as the interrogation point, query, and eroteme, is a punctuation mark that indicates an interrogative clause. Chinese turbine manufacturer Sinovel and Greece's Public Power Corporation are discussing building 200MW in the north of the country.What's a royalty-free license? Royalty-free licenses let you pay once to use copyrighted images and video clips in personal and commercial projects on an ongoing basis without requiring additional payments each time you use that content. Spanish competitor Acciona has permits on 522MW planned for the Vermio Mountains, pending EIA approval. The country installed 424MW last year, a quarter of its 1.63GW cumulative total. However, Greece is not attractive only to Iberdrola-Rokas, which operates 257MW there.

Yet, with Greece's continued existence in the Eurozone now in question and austerity measures rife, the future of the wind feed-in tariff is far from clear for investors. He said the islands' wind capacity factors, at 30-35%, are well above European averages. Wind in Greece costs around half that, with a EUR90/MWh feed-in tariff on the islands (EUR80/MWh on the mainland). He points out that unlinked Mediterranean islands are paying around EUR170/MWh for wholesale electricity due to high dependency on subsidised oil-fired generation. "Still, the investment is reasonable and just might interest multilateral finance", he added.Īnother consultant, requesting anonymity, said that in less trying times, the project would be "unquestionably attractive".

"It's hard to be optimistic given Greece's difficulties," said Eduard Sala de Vedruna, a senior analyst at IHS Emerging Energy Research. Despite over a year of development, Iberdrola-Rokas could offer no indication of how the project will be financed. Building, planned to start in 2014, is expected to be completed by 2017.īeyond that, detail is scarce. Overall, the company will lay 400 kilometres of powerlines across the three islands and seabed, the longest connecting all to the mainland along a 267-kilometre line from Lesbos. Rhetorical questions posed as direct questions usually take a question mark. The project plans 306MW on the island of Lesbos, 150MW on Quios and 250MW on Limnos. The primary use of the question mark is to end interrogative sentences. Rokas, Iberdrola's Greek affiliate, has already delivered the environmental impact assessment (EIA) and the power interconnection - which accounts for 40% (EUR720 million) of the total estimated investment - has received broad approval from Greece's regulatory authority for energy.

It says the project will "reactivate local economies" through taxes, a 3% annual wind-power levy on billings and the creation of jobs. Greek syllabification basically follows English syllabification. You do not have to know why they occur where they do, but pay attention to them as you pronounce the word. The company claims the project to be the biggest combined renewables development and island power link worldwide. A period above the line is a Greek semi-colon (literally, half a colon), and an English semi-colon is a Greek question mark. Reactions to the so-called Aegean link are mainly cautious, not helped by Iberdrola's vagueness on detail.